What do you want the internet to do for you?

HomeFreeHost provides custom design and web hosting to help you…

Norma Esler

redcontbullDirect new customers to your place of business…

Showcase your business on your very own website. Let customers know who you are, where you are, and what you can do for them. We make sure your business can be found online!

redcontbullInform existing customers of what’s new with you…

HomeFree can show you how to freshen up your website with new content that will attract new customers and keep existing customers coming back for more.

redcontbullSell your digital or physical products online…

Our webmaster has many years of experience with ecommerce and is able to recommend and set up the solution that is right for you and your business!

Let HomeFreeHost Make the Internet Work for You!

Custom Design
Just add your own content
Built on Your Own WordPress Installation
Up to 1000mb storage
Your Own Custom Design
One Hour Tutorial Session
One Month FREE Hosting
Hosting Services at $12.95 per Month
Complete Website Plan
We add your content
Built on Your Own WordPress Installation
Up to 1000mb storage
Your Own Custom Design
One Hour Tutorial Session
One Month FREE Hosting
Up to 3 Email Accounts
We do the work for you!
Hosting Services at $12.95 per Month
Complete Website Plan with Special Features
Completely done for you!
Built on Your Own WordPress Installation
Up to 1000mb storage
Your Own Custom Design
One Hour Tutorial Session
One Month FREE Hosting
Up to 3 Email Accounts
We do the work for you!
Hosting Services at $12.95 per Month



HomeFreeHost Plans include a pre-installed version of the latest user-friendly WordPress CMS.

We do the setup work for you. Just add your own content or let HomeFreeHost do it for you.

We make it easy for you to manage your own custom website!

* All prices are in Canadian dollars.
* Applicable taxes are extra.
* CMS = Content Management System
* After your initial FREE month, your HomeFreeHost hosting services will be billed at $12.95 per month.
* Monthly payments accepted through Stripe or Paypal.
* We will meet with you to determine the best solution to suit your needs.
* Click Contact below to arrange for your consultation.
* All prices are subject to change without notice.

Contact Norma at HomeFreeHost to discuss what we can do for you.